For Authors

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The main objective of this multidisciplinary magazine is physical education and sports, physiotherapy, health, physical effort, as well as the social sciences (pedagogy, sports psychology, sports marketing, sports management, sports medicine and so on) applied to physical education and sports activities, so as the authors from different fields have a wide range of subjects belonging to various areas of expertise. The main sections are : „Physical Education”; „Sports”; „Physiotherapy”; „Varia”.
Our magazine’s target is capitalizing the results of the research studies and providing constant information to the specialists mentioned above.
We will have a semestrial publication (May & November) and we will accept only articles written in English, which will be edited in word format (according to the template). You can send them by e-mail or to the editor.

One of the objectives is capitalizing our collaborators’ scientific work, especially through encouraging their attendance to scientific activities as well as professional projects. It is worth mentioning that the articles published are taken into account in one’s carrier as well as for promotions.
Promovating the idea of publishing research studies, containing original and relevant elements, most importantly by members of the academic community, but also for young students (license, master, doctorate). All articles must bring a minimal personal contribution (theoretical or practical), which is to be highlighted in the article.

The article must be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Comitetul International al Editurilor Revistelor.
Word counting for electronic format:
-4000 words for personal articles
-2000 words for case studies
-5000-6000 words for synthesis articles

Page format: editing the article will be made in A4 format. Space limit is 6-8 pages without numbering. Font: Times New Roman, size 11pt; paragraphing will be made with justify, with diacritics, with blank spaces in between paragraphs, borders: Top 2 cm; Bottom 3 cm,; Left 2 cm; Right 2 cm

Figures (graphic, photographs etc.) will be numbered in text, with arabic numbers. They will be edited in Excel or Spss, eg. Fig 1 Fig 2, and for requests, each graphic will have a legend under the respective figure.

The tables will be successively numbered via text, in arabic and will be followed by a legend placed above the table eg. Table 1 Table 2 header and footer will be edited with horizantal lines.

Front page- contains the title of the article (preferably up to 12 words) in English, in print letters (font size 12) followed by the title of the article in Romanian in handwriting (font size 12), the name (print letters) and the first name (handwriting) of the authors (font size 12), the institution they belong to and e-mail address of the first author (font size 9)

Abstract. For experimental articles a structured summary is mandatory (Background, Aims, Methods, Results, Conclusions), which must contain at most 250 words (20 lines in Times New Roman, font size 9), followed by 3-5 Keywords (if possible from the list of predetermined terms). There will be no abreviations, footers or referances.

Premises and aims, describing the importance of the study and mentioning the premises and aims of the research.
Approaches, Presentation of the base study (theoretical or practical)
Place and time of the study, description and the size of the samples, gender, age and other variable sociodemographic informations, research tools etc.
The results will show inferential specific statistic data (with mentioned statistic tests) the differences between the initial outcome and the final one, investigation parameters, the meaning of correlation elements. The level of significance must be written (p value or d effect size) and of the statistic test.

The basic text of the paper – Times New Roman, 11 pt. (line space single)

Experimental articles will contain the following chapters: introduction, hypothesis, methods and tools (including ethical informations and data), results, conclusions (and reccommendations). The other article types, such as orientation articles, case studies, editorials do not have a fixed format.

Orientation articles and case studies will be concluded in a most synthetic manner. (font size 11)

References (10 pt.)
For magazine articles and other periodical appearances there will be mentioned: the name of all authors and the initials of their first name; the year of appearance; the article title in its original language; the title of the magazine in international abbreviation (italic characters); volume number; pages.

Publication manual of the American psychological association. Washington DC: American Psychological Association, 2001.
Harris, J. (1997). Teaching health-related exercise at key stages1 and 2- USA, Human Kinetics, (37-40).
Kosslyn, S. M. (1996). Image and brain: The resolution of the imagery debate. The MIT Press.
Language Development in Middle Childhood (2014). Retrieved from (Cite in text the first few words of the reference list entry (usually the title) and the year. Use double quotation marks around the title or abbreviated title.: (Language Development,2014).
Russel, F.D, Coppell, AL., & Davenport, A.P. (1998). In vitro enzymatic processing of radiolabel led big ET-1 in human kidney as food ingredient. Biochem Pharmacol, Mar 1;55(5) p. 697-701.
Wager, T.D., Rilling, J.K., Smith, E.E., Sokolik, A., Casey, K.L., Davidson, R.J., …& Cohen, J.D. (2004). Placebo-induced changes in FMRI in the anticipation and experience of pain. Science, 303(5661), p. 1162-1167.

Each article must be based of a minimum 15 bibligraphic references, mostly newer than 10 years. A limited numer of books and reference articles is admited that are older than 10 years. About 20% of the quoted bibliographical references must mention studied foreign literature, according to the not older than 10 years criteria.

The review process (peer-review)
In the first stage, all the materials are thoroughly revised by at least two competent specialised reviewers (academics) which verifies that the texts meet the background and form criteria. After this stage the articles are sent to the magazine reviewers, according to the sections that the articles belong to. After they receive observations from the reviewers, the publishing house tells the authors to modify or to complete the articles and meet the publishing criterias. This process (from receiving the article until sending the observations) could take between 4 to 8 weeks, following the communication with the coresponding author, if the article has been accepted for publishing or not. In the acceptance case, a period of the article correction for classifying the article in the publishing criterias will follow.

Conflicts of interest
The authors are required to mention all the possible conflitcts of interest. If there are none, it will be mentioned in the final part of the article before the references part.

The specifications must be made regarding the persons outside of the study, which had a substantial contribution to the study, like some statistic processing or text revission in the english language. The authors have the responsability of obtaining the permission of the persons named in this chapter, in case of the readers refer to the interpreation of the results and the conclusion of these persons. Also, to this chapter, specifications will be made in the case that the article capitalize the partial results of certain projects or if these relies on PhD or master’s degree sustained by the author, other specifications .

Deontological criteria
The Publishing house will respond in time to the authors regarding the acceptance, the unacceptance or the necessity of changing the text and reserves the right to modify the form of the papers.
Papers that have already been sent to other magazines are not accepted. The authors will send the editorial, along with the article, a separate word file, a written decalration regarding this with the acceptance of the deontological norms reffering to the quoting of the used sources(bibliographic references, images, tables, questionaires).
For the original articles, according to the fulfillness of the conditions os the Helsinki Declaration, the Amsterdam Treaty, the 86/609/EEC Directive and the Bioethics Comission reglementations of the locations of where the studies were made, the authors must present:
-the informed acceptance from the family, for the children and junior studies;
-the informed acceptance of participation from adults, pacients and athletes;
-Malpraxis certificate from medics, for human based studies/research;
-Ethic Comission certificate for the human based study protocol.

The data will be mentioned in the article at the Materials and Method section. Documents can be obtained before the beginning of the study. The materials sent to the Publishing House will not be given back to the authors regardless if they are pubjlished or not.

We mention that in the case that authors want to publicise an article that has not been selected in the scientific manifestations frameworks, they must pay the article tax. Therefore, the signing authors of an article will pay the amount of:
35 Euro / 163 Lei – one paper
10 Euro / 46 Lei – second paper (max. two papers)
In the account: University of Bucharest, Physical Education and Sport Department,
CIF/CUI: 4505502; Bank: Trezorerie SECTOR 5,
Branch: Bucureşti,
In the account no.: RO26TREZ70520F330500XXXX (LEI)

The subscribing authors will be exempted for the article tax.